Friday, June 13, 2008


Okay, so I was mildly upset to learn that David Cook was dating Kimberly Caldwell, like, right out of the Idol womb...I mean, geez! Dave, can you take a little breather before diving right in? Aren't there, like a gazillion OTHER things you should/could be doing right now other than worrying about your social life, which we know will be just fine? And especially with an obnoxious fame-seeking blond??

Then I saw footage of the actual asking out and I realized, hey! He's just like us. He was actually complimenting her, and had NO idea that it would be the most asked-about and followed news piece for him post-Idol. I also saw her interview him post-finale (one of his first interviews after he won) and they were actually really, really cute together and didn't even know it. She shares his history/experience with Idol, which I gather is one of those things no one really "gets" unless you've done it. She is also his age (mid-20's) and sports a couple of tattoos, so really -- they may be just the right fit. Until he comes to Chicago this summer...LOL!

It's actually better for her than it is for him....she is a reality TV show host and semi-has-been Star Search and American Idol finalist...he is suddenly America's hottest and most eligible we'll see what happens. She also seems to have a new single out soon? Or something else to promote? Not surprising.

Personally? I think he aimed a little low....Kelly Clarkson is single and so is Carrie....just saying....

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