Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Idols Board the Shania "Twain"

I was really looking forward to Shania night tonight...after all, she was one of the most refreshing guest judges from the auditions, and in my hometown no less (Chicago), not to mention the fact that she is an amazing songwriter and performer. She was a part of one of the most endearing and funny audition segments when she praised local John Park's "bottom end"...remember that?? And just struck me as an all-around talented and nice lady. Plus, as a bonus, she was a judge when Lee DeWyze and Crystal auditioned...so interesting that she meets up with them again!

Shania looked just gorgeous and was so engaged with the Idols....loved her vulnerability. I thought she gave them pretty good advice. She was open, honest, and just terrific IMO....such a contrast to ....um.....MJ Blige for example??!! Loved how she confessed how much pressure there was for them to be singing her songs....love that.

Well, Miss Shania had nothing to worry about. Her songs brought out the best in each of the Idol contestants tonight, and made for one of the most enjoyable nights to watch in recent memory. Each performance for me was really good. I do, however, have to call out my favorites...

Lee stole the show for me in many ways, despite performing in the dreaded lead-off position. He was helped by the fact that he sang my favorite Shania song ever...and he really, really did it well IMO. Did I notice the pitchiness Simon mentioned? Nope. I loved Lee's growl and ownership of the stage and the song. Lee, "You're Still the One" for me... and I think I have a crush on you! OMG...Lee....you are still the one for me!!!

Course Crystal was great. I'm with Ellen, how many different ways can you keep saying that? I guess I could pull out a thesaurus and look up 'awesome'....but the fact remains that Crystal is really good. I totally disagreed with the judges...I loved her rendition of the rousing "No One Needs To Know" and thought she sang it perfectly! Loved seeing her playful side and her personal connection to the song and found it totally endearing. Boyfriend has been served! Simon thought it was coffee shop, but I thought it was Napa Valley Chardonnay baby!

If I have to pick another favorite to make an even three, I will choose Casey. I haven't been a huge fan of his to date, but thought this night stepped it up a notch. His "Don't" made me wonder if Casey could "Do" the finale!

I remain a lukewarm fan of Mike's, Aaron's and Siobahn's after tonight, despite the fact that each of them turned in decent performances, if not above-average. It is, however, getting down to the end of the game and every little thing counts. Mike was vocally okay on his version of "It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing" but I agreed with Simon that it felt a little contrived and, well, theater. I predict that this song will be performed on tour by Mike!

Aaron didn't get it for me tonight at all. "You Got Away" might be his swansong. I was totally distracted by the way he was holding the microphone for starters, and I don't know....just didn't feel it. Similarly, Siobahn's "Any Man of Mine" was rousing and brash and full of energy (the same energy I have when I play this song in the minivan) plus she had the coveted pimp spot BUT Siobahn was out of breath and mumbled a lot of the words, and was pitchy in places. I think Siobahn has the bigger fan base of these three...so I think she is probably safe....but this show is known for its surprises.

What did you think? Did you think Shania was a good mentor? Were you distracted by the Doublemint Twins directly behind Simon? And were you counting the number of times Randy said 'wheelhouse'?

1 comment:

SandraG said...

Napa Valley Chardonnay....hey... I LIKE that! I thought her performance was good too.

I am ready for Mike to go h-o-m-e....