Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Paige's Pager Goes Off for Her Trip Home

tour bus

I apologize for my missing show review this morning....a little too much going on here at Casa Idolmama. I trust that you found your Top 11 review elsewhere in the Idolsphere and maybe missed me a little along the way? :)

I agree with most of the other bloggers I read today that dawg, seriously, last night really, really just wasn't good. The song choices were downright dismal (too many repeats) and vocals were all over the place for most of the contestants. And it was just painful in many ways, from Tim Urban's High School Musical-ish slide and desperate-feeling mosh-pitting to Paige's dull, wacky off-tune song and one too many sideways glances from Katie. I wish 6 could have gone home tonight....but alas, that lone honor fell to Paige, who held her head high and didn't cry (not that there is anything wrong with that.)

Sadly, her sing-out was actually really, really good and underscores the point the judges are always making about song really is critical, but proves elusive for so many contestants. How much better was she tonight on R & B compared to last night's Phil Collins dribble? Night and day, folks. Best of luck, Paige!

The tour line-up has now been set, and several peeps are calling their accountants: Andrew Garcia, Tim Urban and Katie Stevens, along them. Katie is probably busy just trying to figure out how she will graduate from high school.....(Katie, they will work that out, don't worry.....) Big Mike is busy trying to decide which college savings account will be funded for Baby with this tour, and Crystal is wondering how she will manage her son while away....or will he travel with her?! Huge implications (along with many ble$$ings) for these Top 10. Obviously Siobahn's boss is on board since he came to LA for the show. (And what is UP with those freakish friends/fans of hers.....the Zombies/Rhymes with Siobahnies.... FREAKY! I honestly thought the camera had initially caught someone unawares with a nosebleed...boy, was I mistaken!)

So, did the right contestant go home tonight? Will Crystal bring her magic carpet on tour? And most importantly will YOU buy a ticket for this year's tour?


BHirz said...

I thought Tim should have gone home and Paige given
another chance. Tim's Time Is Coming!

BHirz said...

I thought Tim should have gone home and Paige given
another chance. Tim's Time Is Coming!

SandraG said...

Of course we missed you !!!

I think Tim made it through because of the young teen girls....his talent just doesn't match some of the others.....and....he will be more popular on the tour and I think the producers made that move.