Wednesday, May 13, 2009

And So it Gokeys....

As I wrote last night, it was a toss-up between Danny and Kris going into tonight, and too close to call, IMO. In a way, I'm not surprised Kris made it through, he's terrific, and his fans were motivated to get him to the finale (my sister said she voted 30 times for him, for example, and I doubt she's voted 30 times *total* all season!).

Job well done, Danny! I have been a fan from the beginning, and I know this is just the beginning for you. Love your voice, you make me smile, and I'll buy whatever you put out there on a CD.

If I put my Conspiracy Theory hat on, I might think this means that Kris was deemed less a threat to the preordained Adam victory, so Danny was sent packing.
When I take that hat off, I wonder if it could possibly be true that only 1 million votes (out of 80 million something cast) really could have separated the Top 2...if that is true, Kris stands a chance.

On to next week!

1 comment:

dear friend said...

From the two cents department:

Is it just me, or does it seem that most departing contestants sing their song much better on the night of departure than they did when it counted? I thought Simon's "vocal master class" comment was absurd. But after I heard Danny sing the song again last night, Simon might have been onto something.

Unfortunately for Danny, the master class comment probably doomed him. Kris' fans know he is an underdog, and so they voted for him en masse, as Idol Mama's sister shows. As for Adam, Simon begged his fans not to take it for granted that he would make the finale. But I don't think that warning was necessary. The bottom line is that there are two camps when it comes to Adam: love him or hate him. The problem for the hate him crowd is that they cannot vote against him. But because the hate him crowd is so vocal (ahem, Idol Mama), the love him crowd is inspired to dial early and often. So thank you "Glambert" haters for inspiring Adam Lambert devotees to vote!

No such dynamic existed for Danny, and he simply fell through the cracks. Not to mention that as good as he is, his one dimensional approach to every song he sings was predictable and boring. I just don't think he was picking up any new fans as others dropped out. It finally caught up to him.

From the arm chair psychology department (and here I will go out on a limb), but did anyone else notice that he did not have the wedding ring on Tuesday night? His backstory is obviously compelling, but it seems to me that he has moved on from it. What may have once been in dedication to his departed wife has given way to his own ambition. While there is nothing wrong with that, I just wonder if what made him so compelling at the beginning began to fade for people as he got away from that backstory himself. While his ability to get on with his life should be inspirational, his success at doing so may have caused people to forget about the story in the first place. When his singing style and back story hit a dead end, he was toast.

Finally, all this talk about Adam belonging in theater instead of on a concert stage makes no sense to me. At least two Idol winners (Fantasia and Hicks) have gone that route. In any event, given his mad vocal talent, his performance ability ("drama"; all of a sudden a dirty word in the entertainment world!), and his strategy (Kara's assessment), I have no doubt that he and his producers will put together a winning CD package whether or not he wins next week. So winning, in fact, that even Idol Mama will end up purchasing it. :-)